


可以一个人安静地写日记是一种难能可贵的幸福,因为暗示着我正处于一个安全的环境里,而恐惧还没有吞噬我的行动能力。比如现在,我一个人正呆在echo的床上,因为药物的原因而感到身体微微发热,人却意外的安宁。我可以感受到药物显著地拔高了我的警觉和焦虑的程度,我很难浸没在某一种感受中(比如刚刚浏览了一下购物网站能够很快回到正常的生活流程上,好像能够更容易意识到自己正在做什么,不知道是因为焦虑感还是什么别的原因)。灯光映射在粗砺的雪白的墙壁上是昏黄的,像是一个残败的未完成的梦。但这种安稳的感觉,本质上却是知道echo会回家陪伴着我而带来的;如果假设他是不存在的,假设这里只是我自己的studio,甚至假设他去出差不会回家了,我依然会被一种深入骨髓的恐惧包裹着,像潮水一样漫过我的胸膛。 另外一个原因可能是我可以达到短暂的冷静,不会想要转换活动或者扭动身体。 

I just realized how terrible I am, so I became despondent. Speaking english reminds me of embarrassing and awkward memories back in high school. On the way to night school, I sat in the car like a dumb, had nothing to say bc I just did not understand what they just said in the first place. In my freshmen year and last couples of years, I used extremely limited amount of words to express my shallow ideas. Talking to him makes me feel like being criticized by someone I care. Besides, I was not award of my anger and frustration before they have taken charger of me, so I failed to prevent myself from behaving furiously. I was out of control. I do not feel like having a free will. I guess there is an invisible but broken machine operating my body and my spirit, which I can neither censor nor change it.  Instead of being myself and deciding my behaviours, I am literally an agent or representative of this unpredictable and changing machine. I can never escape suffering from it. 


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